
Simple Story ABout Rapper Moslem Thufail Al-Ghifari

A variety of music presents many choices, depending on individual tastes. After studying Islam, for Thufail Al Ghifari, music is the pulse in the soul of art that is able to represent the longing for love of God

Starting from the Underground Community

The flow of harsh hardcore music of choice Thufail beginning foray into the world of music. Prior to working in missionary du nia through tone, often stringing Thufail wing underground poets who criticized many lives through soul rebellion, political, and social.

In his debut, the Thufail claimed to feel a freedom of spirit. But on the other side could not help giving a negative influence for his soul because he could never find peace. With poets 'rebellion' which continues to struggle in life, he arrived at a saturation point. This saturation will change the flow of the rapper's life as well as plot your poem poem whispered into strands of jihad.

Finding the Way of Light

Thufail saturation that struck him continue to seek the truth. With the familiar figure of the Prophet Muhammad Thaufail finally learned about the existence of his Maker and decided to convert to Islam. "We converted to Islam, I learned what I wanted to learn."

After converting to Islam, Thufail slowly can translate poetry God through his music. He then realized that not all things in this world can be understood with rational thought. Hidayah really bring Thufail migrated and packaging music into the verses that fixed wing propaganda hip-hop.

The album that To be continued

Thufail beginning to make an album inspired propaganda from the 11th of September and the Bali bombings. "With limited knowledge, I wanted to criticize the various phenomena that exist," he said.

With verses full of criticism and intelligence thinking, steady Thufail make charity album that made the field for preaching. "I want to make recordings that can be heard all the people," said Thufail.

Straight intention to make Thufail grateful to be a preacher through music that has become his soul. The first album, titled Long War Poems by Indie label release. And now, with the stream of hip-hop music, Thufail released her second album titled From the Top One Land TempatKita Rests.

On the first album, Thufail devote his mind about global phenomena such as the struggle of the Palestinian war in Chechnya, and Muslim Pattani problem. While the second album, his verse is more soft and somewhat different. Although still breath jihad, poetry on this album is more comprehensive because it invites the moral improvement. This second album bias practically as a connection or refining previous albums. "Because discuss Islam must syâmil (perfect) and mutakamil (perfect)," he said.

Not Seeking Popularity

Workmanship pertamaThufail album full of struggle. With God's help was, he tried to make it happen. "God can make me survive," recalled Thufail.

To be able to record, the guy who did not want his face photographed collect money itself is not even uncomfortable to work into cleaning service. He always earned income set aside for recording costs.

Indie labels Thufail chose the first because his intention is only to preach because God, not popularity. May the love of God continue to accompany the rapper Islamic da'wah step this.

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